Top 20 Radio Stations - December 2016

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7 and 16 secret??? So the figures on the page are for people only tuned via the site! What about all the listeners connected via the likes of android apps and direct from the stations website or web apps etc , is there a way of calculating that?
We calculate the Top 20 by amount of tune in's on our website for the month
So No Stevy6. They will always put forward stations hosted by them first (Even with very low listeners) Money talks you know what I mean ;)
If you don't pay for hosting with them then you really stand no chance of getting on the Top 20.
Actually, there are stations in that list that do not host with us. For example, is not one of our own clients. As it states, the list is calculated by the amount of tune in's via our own website for the month.

7 and 16 are not "secret" either! This is just where the stations are now no longer streaming when the list was automated (in this case, most likely two Xmas related stations) and therefore their station titles/links are unfortunately missing from the list.
Apologies, I used the word secret as a "tongue in cheek" jokey way.

So are the figures on your list when you select genre calculated the same way? I often search your "game" category. Just based on connections via this website and not the actual listener counts for a station.
When you browse a genre page the results are by default sorted by the "featured" stations as the first results. These "featured" stations are based on an algorithm that takes into account many factors to produce a rank (kind of like how a search engine ranks web pages in it's index). You can also sort the list by the "bitrate" with all the higher quality streams listed first, or by "Listeners" which has the stations with the most listeners listed first.
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So if I select by listener count. That's overall connected or just connected via internet,

So is there a way I can see the actual listener count opposed to connection from here!

I often connect when I'm on air to see how many are tuned in. But if it's only connected via this website then it seems like a pointless stat.
When you sort by listener count it's overall connected from anywhere. Not tune-ins from the site. Hope this helps explain.
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