Station Website URL has changed - How do I Update?


For the life of me I cannot see where to update my Station Website URL. Can I get a step by step on this Please?
Hi Chris,

You can update this under Configuration > Settings > Stream (tab) > Website URL

Make sure that you fully stop and restart the server after updating this for the change to take full effect.
Hi Chris,

Did you do a full server stop and restart, not just turn the AutoDJ on and off?

Your settings seem fine. We would do this ourselves for you now but you currently have quite a few listeners connected that we do not want to disrupt.
Finally had time to get back to this - I shut the station down for maybe 30 seconds and restarted. It still comes up as ''. Did I miss a setting somewhere?
Thanks for the link - I followed the instructions - the shoutcast site has the URL correct, but I am still seeing in the Internet-Radio pages.. Baffled. I am missing something..