looking for mature dedicated presenters for online radio station

Hey Sunshine Music! You've done a great job with your website. It would tempt me to listen to your station. Good to see someone who realises the importance of creating a really professional-looking website before launch! Bravo!!
Thank you Ian! We really appreciate that comment! We wanted a retro, but also a simple feel to the website. Feedback has been good so far, but nothing is perfect, we find you learn more by making mistakes and constructive criticism. This forum is a great little find for us, we are not radio people, we just love music, so this forum is a wealth of learning material for us from people that are true radio people! We are glad to be part of it here and thanks to the forum owners for having us! We look forward to chatting with you guys here :D
Thank you Ian! We really appreciate that comment! We wanted a retro, but also a simple feel to the website. Feedback has been good so far, but nothing is perfect, we find you learn more by making mistakes and constructive criticism. This forum is a great little find for us, we are not radio people, we just love music, so this forum is a wealth of learning material for us from people that are true radio people! We are glad to be part of it here and thanks to the forum owners for having us! We look forward to chatting with you guys here :D
Just one thing I noticed that you might want to consider changing. You were inviting comments at the bottom of one of your blog posts. I was going to put a positive comment but I saw you had to register to do so. That put me off. I think it would put others off too. Just allow people to comment without registering. You can always delete the comment afterwards if you don't like it. :)
Just one thing I noticed that you might want to consider changing. You were inviting comments at the bottom of one of your blog posts. I was going to put a positive comment but I saw you had to register to do so. That put me off. I think it would put others off too. Just allow people to comment without registering. You can always delete the comment afterwards if you don't like it. :)
Good tip, thanks Ian! We will look into that next week
Just one thing I noticed that you might want to consider changing. You were inviting comments at the bottom of one of your blog posts. I was going to put a positive comment but I saw you had to register to do so. That put me off. I think it would put others off too. Just allow people to comment without registering. You can always delete the comment afterwards if you don't like it. :)
To much spam when you open the forums, been there done that, been hacked and lost lots of work, if someone wants to leave a comment then they need to be traceable. The protection is much better than losing your site to hackers spammer and porn flooding your forum.
Much better

I think you need to look at some of your images as they are stretched and I would certainly question having a 'Smart Babe Of The Month'? You still have a lot of work to do with your website but it is definitely much better. A good example of what you should aim for is to take a look at the website above this post.
I know I'll work on the images, what size would you recommend? Also the smart babe of the month if we get any female artists or unsigned female artist's email us
In which we do then we choose the best one and they end up in smart babe of the month yea the sites looking much better I 100% agree there
Difficult to say regarding the images as I don't know what it tells you within the software you're using, but if you are changing the dimensions of your images make sure they are done proportionally. For example if you have an image 800px x 600px and you want to change the width to 1600px, if you leave the height at 600px your image will be stretched.

'Babe of the Month' is completely politically incorrect these days with connotations of 'Page 3 girls'. 'Female Artist of the Month' may not sound so snazzy, but wouldn't upset anyone.

Just my view. :)
Difficult to say regarding the images as I don't know what it tells you within the software you're using, but if you are changing the dimensions of your images make sure they are done proportionally. For example if you have an image 800px x 600px and you want to change the width to 1600px, if you leave the height at 600px your image will be stretched.

'Babe of the Month' is completely politically incorrect these days with connotations of 'Page 3 girls'. 'Female Artist of the Month' may not sound so snazzy, but wouldn't upset anyone.

Just my view. :)
Lol that smart babe of the month isn't like page 3 girls that's not in my fortegh
have a look on our site on desktop and check the sizes of images
Hey Strawbs, Please don't take this the wrong way, this is purely advice and our observations of your website, intended to help not mock in anyway!

Firstly, we agree with the comment from @IanD above about smart babe, it's 2021, not the 80's. People these days get easily triggered and it may put some off listening or even complaining to you. That's the world we live in these days, just our thoughts on that.

Picture below - first 2 pictures ok, last 2 not correctly sized - like that on both mobile and desktop
Screenshot 2021-11-04 at 12.59.35.jpg

This picture far too stretched as well on both desktop and mobile

Screenshot 2021-11-04 at 12.53.07.jpg

Everything here on right side of site on desktop. is this supposed to be like this? The human brain when checking a desktop site will always aim the eyes first to left and centre of the page, not the right. If not meant to be like this or even if it is, we would advise you to consider changing it.

Screenshot 2021-11-04 at 12.54.09.jpg

The picture below from desktop would look smarter / neater centre of the footer.
Screenshot 2021-11-04 at 13.08.16.jpg
Hey Strawbs, Please don't take this the wrong way, this is purely advice and our observations of your website, intended to help not mock in anyway!

Firstly, we agree with the comment from @IanD above about smart babe, it's 2021, not the 80's. People these days get easily triggered and it may put some off listening or even complaining to you. That's the world we live in these days, just our thoughts on that.

Picture below - first 2 pictures ok, last 2 not correctly sized - like that on both mobile and desktop
View attachment 2791

This picture far too stretched as well on both desktop and mobile

View attachment 2792

Everything here on right side of site on desktop. is this supposed to be like this? The human brain when checking a desktop site will always aim the eyes first to left and centre of the page, not the right. If not meant to be like this or even if it is, we would advise you to consider changing it.

View attachment 2793

The picture below from desktop would look smarter / neater centre of the footer.
View attachment 2794
Ok no non taken but the side tabs are meant to be there, plus I've seen some online radio stations that have babe of the month can't remember what sites they were now. Thanks for the compliments
Ok the header image that's stretched and the two other images what size would you recommend???? Also I'll center the text in the footer, and maybe I'll change smart babe of the month to female artist of the month
Hey Strawbs, Please don't take this the wrong way, this is purely advice and our observations of your website, intended to help not mock in anyway!

Firstly, we agree with the comment from @IanD above about smart babe, it's 2021, not the 80's. People these days get easily triggered and it may put some off listening or even complaining to you. That's the world we live in these days, just our thoughts on that.

Picture below - first 2 pictures ok, last 2 not correctly sized - like that on both mobile and desktop
View attachment 2791

This picture far too stretched as well on both desktop and mobile

View attachment 2792

Everything here on right side of site on desktop. is this supposed to be like this? The human brain when checking a desktop site will always aim the eyes first to left and centre of the page, not the right. If not meant to be like this or even if it is, we would advise you to consider changing it.

View attachment 2793

The picture below from desktop would look smarter / neater centre of the footer.
View attachment 2794
Also if you look a some WordPress sites there templates sidebars are mostly on right or left hand side
Hey Strawbs, Please don't take this the wrong way, this is purely advice and our observations of your website, intended to help not mock in anyway!

Firstly, we agree with the comment from @IanD above about smart babe, it's 2021, not the 80's. People these days get easily triggered and it may put some off listening or even complaining to you. That's the world we live in these days, just our thoughts on that.

Picture below - first 2 pictures ok, last 2 not correctly sized - like that on both mobile and desktop
View attachment 2791

This picture far too stretched as well on both desktop and mobile

View attachment 2792

Everything here on right side of site on desktop. is this supposed to be like this? The human brain when checking a desktop site will always aim the eyes first to left and centre of the page, not the right. If not meant to be like this or even if it is, we would advise you to consider changing it.

View attachment 2793

The picture below from desktop would look smarter / neater centre of the footer.
View attachment 2794
these listed stations have babe of the day hahaha
i know they are probably fm stations but come on


