Looking for Hip Hop, urban mixshow DJ's - Many slots to fill


New Member
I am in the process of designing the site for my website. In the meantime I am seeking a few DJ's. The station is going to be urban / rnb format and is aimed at a specific market, i.e Omaha, Nebraska. We will be fully licensed. I have been down this road before and doing mixes alone for a station is a lot of work for one person. I will produce one show weekly myself. I am hoping to find several DJ's to fill the other weekdays and even a weekend show.

I hope to find people who can do at least one hour minimum, preferably two. Please dont bite off more than you can chew. I have been a victim of that myself. At the moment I prefer all shows be pre-recorded and will be uploaded to our server. Live mixing will follow once I am comfortable with the people I am working with.

For the mixshows, you can be creative but try and stick with the urban format. CLEAN edits required.

Remember this is an urban, rnb format station. If you have an idea for a show I am also open to suggestions. I would like to be live in about two weeks. We hopefully would like to average 3-6K listeners daily and intend to market hard in our location.

Anyone interested please send me a 15-20 minute demo. You can use a service like mediafire and send me the link.


omahamonster [ at ] yahoo.com


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