Introfile Will not play


New Member
Well will not play is not quite right - It plays a bit then just buffers - if I remove it then restart the server it plays and just dies - so how do I get it to play?

And one other problem is that it will play in all the players even in the popup I put in place but will not play in winamp - which is wierd as winamp usually plays anything I throw at it.

Other than that I am very pleased so far - Great job Guys n Gals :)

Sites: (This is using the IR stream)

Hoggradio : Your Free Internet radio (this will use it once our campaign is finished)

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Problems with intro files are usually related to a difference in the format of the MP3 file. The intro file must be the exact same bitrate / samplerate / channels as your stream otherwise you might have problems. Feel free to upload your mp3 to this thread for us to check if you cant figure it out yourself. Also let us know the settings you use for your stream (bitrate / samplerate / channels).
ok it's attached - I cant see on the CP where it gives me that info in Audacity it is 44100 2 channel


  • introfile.mp3
    93.6 KB · Views: 2,185
The bitrates are different. The intro file is encoded at 128 kbps and you are streaming at 64 kbps. Either stream at 128kbps or re-encode your intro file to 64 kbps and you should be fine.
I couldn't find a way of setting that in Audacity but found a converter and hey presto :) thanks it works great now
If anyone else gets this problem a good convertor you can use or if you have a batch of Mp3's to convert you can use a program called
Alt MP3 Bitrate Converter 2

You can download it from this website but if you wish to read more about it first Click Here

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