Introduce Yourself


Hi, Im 'Support'. Im not real. 8) I exist in far away tubes inside the internet cloud. ;) I can help you with your support queries and make your radio station better. :nerd: Once registered you can start a thread and contribute to the forum.

While you are here why not tell us a little about yourself and what you use internet radio for :

Hello Everyone.. It is my pleasure to be part in this forum.. I wanted to share some artist I've known. He's got cool song...
You can check out his video:youtube : CHRIS - NEW DAY [official buzz single] - YouTube

New Age Empire is an evolution of Respect and Power Records and Dice Music. Comprising artists Chris a.k.a Chief, Young Don, G-Eyez, and the latest addition, Tara Starring, as well as manager Manley Michael J. New Age Empire makes music that is fresh and contemporary, but at the same time very real and honest. Over the next few years, the team is hoping to sign as a subsidiary to a major label in order to become household name. In the meantime, they’ll continue doing what they do best–making great music. Look for Chris’s “Chief’s Town” in November 2012 followed by Young Don’s “Position of Power” and “Chasing History” by G-Eyez in 2013.
Hi! I am Kayla and I am interested in internet radio just for listening to music as I am working.

HI Kayla - there is a big directory of stations here you can click on on the top right hand corner and then select what genres you want. if your computer has the correct media players and a soundcard and loudspeakers, you can listen straight away!

However unless you are self employed and/or pay for the broadband connection I strongly suggest you check with your employers if this is permitted, as some employers treat the use of streaming media for non work related purposes as misuse of company resources. there are also odd rules about "playing music in public" (copyright) which might mean that you cannot play it in a reception area or a workshop customers have access to, but could listen in a back office. (this also applies to listening to normal radio or your own personal music selection!)
Hi All

I have been lurking for a while so I thought it was about time that I introduced

My name is Jamie and I started DJing with Mobile Discos when I was 14 doing Weddings, Birthdays and the like, when I was about 15 I blagged a job in a Pub as a DJ, we didnt call them residencies in those days (I always looked older, still I ended up working in 3 different Pubs around the Bermondsey area of South East London I worked the pubs 5 nights a week and Sunday lunchtime, I then got a spot working on the Thames Disco Boats for what was the biggest boat company at the time and I worked on 3 of the largest boats on the Thames most of the time although I think I have worked on nearly every boat afloat on the Thames at the time.

In 1991 I became a London taxi Driver and slowed down the Dj work a bit as I worked nights in the Taxi and at the time I found it a lot easier than Mobile gigs what with carrying all those records around. I still do the odd mobile gig and have kept my gear up to date.

I am quite active and well known within the London Taxi Trade and a few months ago I has this mad whacky idea that the London taxi Trade needed its own radio station, I put this idea out on twitter expecting the replies to be very negative of my mad idea but I was really surprised when every reply I received was positive with most thinking it was a great idea.

I have always wanted to do a spot of Radio presenting but I wasn't sure if I could hack talking to a brick wall rather than a large live audience and up until about a month ago I had never done any radio work.

I had no idea where to start with internet radio and this is what brought me to thee forums and a couple of others and I learnt loads.

Well we now have an internet radio station that we have been testing for a few weeks called London Taxi Radio, we have had a few problems with broadband/dsl connections and hopefully that will be rectified shortly. We iam to fully launch the station on Monday 4th February with all licenses in place and hopefully some sponsors and advertisers.

I have been doing the odd live show on a Monday and Tuesday evening which has basically been a request show which has been received very well with the listener figures being quite impressive for a small station that hasnt really launched properly yet.

We are currently using Sam Broadcaster which has been very stable and has not let us down yet, for live stuff I have been using my Virtual DJ Pro on either a laptop or Mac.

Heres looking towards an exciting future in this new hobby.
hey, been djing 12 years. got a weekly show that reaches 30,000+ people every week. its a 30min jam packed show that takes 12 to 18hrs a week to produce and promote.

on here looking for a few more stations to play the show. And to look in to broadcasting our own station 24/7

good'to be here
Hey guys!

Just opened my station on Live365-We play classic rock and modern rock hits...I'm trying to figure out a Live programming schedule, but as a communications student in college its pretty hard!

Hi, Terry C here from the Laser 558 Tribute Site. Having a nose around and looking for some good info on some clever tips :hi:


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Hi, I'm Gilbert Matthews Of The Retro Attic

Hi, Im 'Support'. Im not real. 8) I exist in far away tubes inside the internet cloud. ;) I can help you with your support queries and make your radio station better. :nerd: Once registered you can start a thread and contribute to the forum.

While you are here why not tell us a little about yourself and what you use internet radio for :

Hi, I'm Gilbert Matthews, and for almost 2 years I've run a 24/7 internet station called The Retro Attic - 50s To 80s Rare Oldies. It doesn't matter how silly or wretched it sounds or whether it peaked at #3 or #93; at some point, you're going to hear that long-lost oldie on my station. I also have a featured Artist Of The Month and a monthly countdown show called The American Bottom 45. Requests are also accepted. My purpose is to bring back those records that got lost in the promotion shuffle during their original release times; if you want to hear vast quantities of obscurities with occasional dashes of the classics, then feel free to visit us at Retro Attic Rare Oldies Radio.
Hello Everyone!

New here and just wanted to say hello.....looking forward to interacting with you all and sharing new ideas and such!
Also new here. I'm from The Netherlands, almost turning 32, and one of the few female internet radio operators. I've started quite late, early 2011. Station: Good Vibrations, playing feel good music from the late 80s till the early 00s.

No live shows, I'm not able to do that, but to compensate that (I don't want the station to sound like a jukebox at random) quite much imaging; all home-crafted. And there are two themed 'non stop' shows, in a couple of months probably three.

Take a listen; I hope you like it. :)
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Also new here. I'm from The Netherlands, almost turning 32, and one of the few female internet radio operators. I've started quite late, early 2011. Station: Good Vibrations, playing feel good music from the late 80s till the early 00s.

wat één kleine wereld :)

Strange coincidence, I was reading last night. Of course it takes me a lot longer to read the forum than here (though there are many interesting threads and opinions on!)

Since I was last on there I am now also head engineer for our local community FM station (we have them in UK but on a smaller scale and power than many other European countries, I must upload the pics of our new studios (though they are not as tidy and well organised as the Dutch ones, and nor is my home studio).

Your station is one of those I often listen to to get an idea of how good stations should run. Also I hear many stations that produce output as well produced as what Hilversum transmits and with mobile 3G technologies becoming more popular they are becoming able to compete on a equal level..
Thanks. :)

Strange to be seen as a good example for others, because I'm a 100 % amateur. Doing everything on my own, sampling all imaging together in Audacity, with 1001 tiny soundbits and the dry voice-over packages I've ordered (my first selfmade jingle is also just about two years old).

Possibly, 22 years of lístening to óthers stations helps to make something of it.
(...makes me suddenly wonder whát you like about it, btw. Constructive feedback, positive or negative, is always helpful.)
(...makes me suddenly wonder whát you like about it, btw. Constructive feedback, positive or negative, is always helpful.)

well much of your music selection reminds me of my own youth and my first DJ sets on a pirate radio station in London (as a teenager in 1990, no Internet then (well not for multimedia yet)) - also there is better dynamic range than most stations (which compress their output way too much).

For instance sometimes I listen to the relays of the FM-pirates in the rural areas and some are good quality but others are distorted (I hope they do not put that bad signal out from their FM transmitters, especially with the power some of them run, no wonder they get trouble from AT!)

TBH the amount of time and effort you put in is now nearly the same resources that get devoted to non stop music stations even on FM band both in NL and England since the budget cuts. A lot of English stations (not just the community broadcasters) now use unpaid volunteer staff or part time staff (not sure what the situation is in NL?).
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On the Dutch fm band, only pirate stations and tiny local stations make use of volunteers. Bigger stations simply fire people if they are becoming too expensive; some replace a 'too expensive' dj with non-stop music.

Glad you can hear there's put time in my station. Ór you've stumbled upon topics on other boards, with questions from me (to learn from more experienced people). :D

About the sound of it: I don't have that much influence on it; it's the 'central' Radionomy processing. But I avoid tracks with too much bass, because that causes problems (no Feeling so real from Moby at my station, and also not the 'Leeds Warehouse Mix' from LFO). Besides that, I make the mp3 files I upload to the system not too loud (92 db in Mp3Gain). I hate loudness wars. :)

I'm thinking about editing the 'bass' part of those tracks in Audacity, though, because those tracks are in fact nice to play at my station, in the evening and night.
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On the Dutch fm band, only pirate stations and tiny local stations make use of volunteers. Bigger stations simply fire people if they are becoming too expensive; some replace a 'too expensive' dj with non-stop music.

I did think the NL system might be fairer. many companies in UK, (anything where working there is a "fun job" or creative) use interns to the point they are not even recruiting paid staff as they get a new intern every few months. Its got to the point there have been protests and our tax authorities are investigating these companies, and that is why I tend to be a bit harsh when I see people here advertising volunteer positions as "jobs".

But that (sets with no DJ and non stop music) would explain what I am hearing on etc... I did think it was odd (and a bit disappointing ) as I was expecting to hear some more DJ sets. On your station I did notice there was some kind of soundprocessing which I thought was making some peaks too loud (to the point they could get distorted) but didn't want to criticise it as I had a feeling that it wasn't something you would do and would be radionomys idea. Its a shame you can't play Moby's "feeling so real" as that is a favourite track of mine from the 1990s!

The issue with sound processing is something that affects anyone who does not have complete control over their stations (such as a presenter in a big station), or someone useing a free/cloud service. At our community radio we have to make a compromise between sounding good for those with big hifi installations and those listening on a small transistor radio, and programmes ranging from talk shows to drum and bass music, and we cannot afford €3000 sound processors in the rack like even the community stations in NL do!
Yeah, everytime there is extremely much bass in a song, there's almost nóthing to hear anymore.

I've tried the 'editing the bass' thing, a couple of days ago, but the result didn't sound great.
Yeah, everytime there is extremely much bass in a song, there's almost nóthing to hear anymore.

I've tried the 'editing the bass' thing, a couple of days ago, but the result didn't sound great.

hi female 81,
this thread really got me interested in your station, but i couldnt listen in on the stream through my android tablet for some reason. i have liked your station on facebook and ill be sure to check it out when im in the studio on a decent connection.

Regarding the bass issue, if its just a few songs, i dont mind eqing them for you, i have some experience as a sound engineer.

just a little thought, it could possibly be the equipment being used to listen to the tracks rather than the broadcast its self. its absolutly not my intention to cause any offence, it is often te case that non studio equipment is designed to be bass heavy and not balanced at all.
I'm very critical when it comes to audio equipment, and I'm nót a fan of setting the bass as loud as possible, so I guess that's not the reason.

Many others at Radionomy complain about it, btw.

(Sorry, late reaction, last week I've been very busy with a new website.)
I'm very critical when it comes to audio equipment, and I'm nót a fan of setting the bass as loud as possible, so I guess that's not the reason.

Many others at Radionomy complain about it, btw.

(Sorry, late reaction, last week I've been very busy with a new website.)

Its an odd one for sure and I cant pinpoint what the issue may be.

When i have been listening to your stream (cool station by the way) I have found it to be as clear as other online stations, I didnt notice anything too over powering in the lower end. Could I please ask what bitrate your stations streams at? (I couldnt see the bitrate as the link I followed broadcast automatically through a program on my laptop im not familiar with)