Are You Looking to DJ, DJ Spots are Open for a weekly schedule!

Masterz Radio is looking for DJs of all skill levels. We are looking for new and experienced DJs to come on board, and learn the ropes of Internet Radio. We also welcome DJs that have been around a while and want to share their knowledge and help DJs that are learning to improve shows.

Masterz is a family orientated station. Where listeners can pick songs and dedicate them throughout shows.

Masterz is flexible with time schedules. We can accommodate various time schedules as needed however, once the schedule is in place, weekly regular shows have a higher chance of getting returning listeners.

If you have a specialty show and would like to bring that to the station we would be able to talk about it. We do have suggestions for specialty shows on the station website. The Show must be live, we do not take syndicated shows, as listeners are not able to interact with the Live DJ.

If you would like to do radio shows as co-hosts, or bring live phone calls on air, we do have the knowledge to help you learn that along the way.

If anyone is interested in joining, please contact us with your skype name or phone number we can reach you at, and include times that you are available for talking, and what time zone/country you are from. Please email us at
hello i would like to do a r&b show, i live in fond du lac Wisconsin, my number is 920-467-2313 the best time to call is mornings after 9 am central time