Hello! My name is Jack Preston and I'm looking for potential opportunities in broadcasting. I am not looking to be a DJ, but I might consider recording short segments (5 - 10 minutes) on various topics from: art, culture, film, music and television to stories of inspiration, motivation or mental health. These could be played in between shows or as filler material. Also, I might consider helping with your social media accounts (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, etc.). I can create basic graphics and add text with it to be scheduled for posting. I might also consider updating your website or things of that sort. The types of stations I would consider MUST BE family-friendly and wholesome. The types of music I would consider are pop, rock (50's - 90's) and jazz (all styles). If you'd like to talk about this, please let me know. Thanks! P.S. Due to my mental health challenges, I will be very particular about who I work with. Just a heads up.
Hi Jack, my name is John everyone calls me BigJon but I was reading your post and I could use your help if you’re so inclined. I’m all about laughter and friendship. I run my station Gator FM on Live365 and am trying to make a go of it. My intention is to get more DJs and market the station to sell local advertising to generate revenue to pay everyone that comes on board. I look forward to hearing back from you my email address is john@auerbestvoice.com and thank you.
Hi Jack, my name is John everyone calls me BigJon but I was reading your post and I could use your help if you’re so inclined. I’m all about laughter and friendship. I run my station Gator FM on Live365 and am trying to make a go of it. My intention is to get more DJs and market the station to sell local advertising to generate revenue to pay everyone that comes on board. I look forward to hearing back from you my email address is john@auerbestvoice.com and thank you.
Thanks for your message, but unfortunately I'm not looking for any volunteer gigs. I meant to take this post down. Best of luck with your new station!