Sung id sample demo april 2013

Here are some sample sung ids/ jingles that have been done this month for just radio . If anyone is intrested in getting any sung jingles done at a great price? then just get in touch with us on here or you can email me directly at


  • sung id samples april 2013.mp3
    865.7 KB · Views: 1,286
offer price on sung ids & jingles

Hi there ! if anyone is after any sung ids or jingles for us eon there shows or a radio station then look no further . At the present moment we have a offer price on all sung ids. Normaly they are priced from £40 up per sung id we are offering 2 sung ids for £65 which will include 1 fully bedded sung id & 1 accappella version aswell . So if your looking for sung ids & jingles at a great price, then get in touch for more info . cheers steve
Do you have any upbeat samples? They all seem a little "go to sleep" if you know what I mean.
I'm interested in getting some sung ID's but only if they sound right.
sung ids & jingles

Thanks for your reply back ref to sung ids & jingles , we have ownly been doing sung stuff since last december . The ones we have mainly done have been laidback stuff so far . But we are always looking for new directions to go when someone asks us about sung stuff . The way it works is, the client tells us the style of bedding track they are looking for , then we try & find the right bedding to fit the style . We would send samples of beds to take alisten too & when the client has chosen a bed track , we get the singer booked into studio to do her vocals etc . I have enclosed a couple more of the sung ids we have put togeteher in the past for you to take a listen too . thanks for your intrest . cheers steve


  • more sung samples.mp3
    1.7 MB · Views: 1,408