Station looking for 80s & 90s hosted shows


Do you have a pre-recorded show with content from the 80s or 90s, or both?

The Cube Retro Radio is a 70s, 80s, & 90s, station looking for more hosted content. Pre-recorded preferred over live, due to our SAM Cloud platform, but if you do live through SAM Radio DJ we may still be interested. Length of show not really important, as our current lineup includes show lengths between 1 hour and 3 hours. Between Sunday night and Thursday night (GMT/UTC) slots available, as we currently program a hosted show each day, with an 80s weekend to finish off the week. No content outside the 70s, 80s, 90s will be considered.

As we already have two dedicated 70s shows per week, plus one that covers content from all three decades, and one that covers the 70s every third or fourth show, we aren't looking for another dedicated 70s show, but a combination is okay.

Our current schedule can be found at

Email us at if you have something to offer.
