Song Title Refresh Rate


New Member
Is there any way the refresh rate can be increased up from the once per minute to (say) once per 15 seconds?
Do you mean the code snippet refresh rate ? If so we cant change the refresh rate because of the load on the servers. Once per minute should be enough surely ?
OK, I thought that might be the problem. Once per minute is OK-ish, I suppose, but the user can continue to see details of the previous track for a long time.

What would be better, and would also reduce the load on the servers even more, would be to synchronise the refresh within (say) 5 secs of the start of each track. That way the user isn't confused, and you've reduced the server load probably by a half (given a two minute track length on average).

Is that a possibility?
The current control panel infrastructure doesn't allow us to refresh on the change of a song unfortunately. We have met you half way and lowered the refresh to 30 seconds instead of 60 :) Let us know if this works any better for you ?