so close and yet...


New Member
Hi everyone

Im brand new to radio and just spent most of the evening setting up my station. I've just about got there but can't go to bed without solving one problem.

It's the widget that displays various media players.

It's installed on my webpage. When I go to my webpage on my desktop pc and click on any of the players, it doesn't open a media player, it opens a folder to download. However, when I try it with my ipad it opens a player and streams immediately. Why doesn't it do this for my pc?

(Also, is there a way to make the icons for the media players a bit bigger?)

My webpage is here if it helps:
Coming Soon - DJ80 Disco

Thanks if you can help ;)
Install the software VLC player (VideoLAN - VLC: Official site - Free multimedia solutions for all OS!) on your PC. Some players will work with the .pls file; others (such as foobar2000)( just require a url with the Shoutcast port number (which you will have in your control panel; everyone has a different one) such as (this is a ficticious URL)

However I just tried and there does not appear to be anything currently streaming (I suggest filling the spaces without live content with pre-recorded stuff; as listeners cannot tell the difference between a station which "isn't on air yet" or a defective stream.)

Also I'd suggest that as you are advertising the mobile disco that you make the location (SE England) more prominent (and how far you usually operate) as you could be attracting listeners in Stockholm or Singapore; which would be a very long way to travel if they did book a gig :rofl:
Hi everyone

Im brand new to radio and just spent most of the evening setting up my station. I've just about got there but can't go to bed without solving one problem.

It's the widget that displays various media players.

It's installed on my webpage. When I go to my webpage on my desktop pc and click on any of the players, it doesn't open a media player, it opens a folder to download. However, when I try it with my ipad it opens a player and streams immediately. Why doesn't it do this for my pc?

(Also, is there a way to make the icons for the media players a bit bigger?)

My webpage is here if it helps:
Coming Soon - DJ80 Disco

Thanks if you can help ;)

Hi DJ80,

The links all work fine for us, but as General Lighting said, you stream is just not currently on. But the links all load the stream as they should in the various media players.

If your PC does not know which default player the various playlist files are for, it will pop up a box with the option to download the playlist file. In the pop up box just select the "open with" option and choose the appropriate player and then in future it will use that player by default.

We also highly recommend VLC player.

That is the default size of the widgets icons we are afraid. But you could always search the web for some larger icons and then just link them to the various players playlists URL's. You can find the URL's for these in your control panel under "Tune-in Links".

We hope that this helps. All the best with your new station. :)
Hi guys,

Thanks so much for your help, quick and useful!

I will make it clearer I only operate in SE England, although if they're prepared to pay travel expenses Singapore is not out of the question! ;)

It's reassuring to know that the links are working fine, and I will choose the 'open with' option when I next run it on my pc. Figured it was probably something my end as it worked fine on the ipad.

Thanks again for your help:)