setting up on my own website


New Member
I have set up server sucessfully using SAM and it works fine.

Now I want to intigrate it into my website what IP and port do I put in I already have a pop up player installed

I assume its this one

Your streaming server index page:
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You can use some of the 'Code Snippets' to easily integrate your radio into your web site. Alternatively there are other php based scripts which work well.
mmmm, thats not much help sorry
check out my site CoolFM Internet Radio
you will se a popup player click on a station and it plays. Since I have used IR I have put in a link but the coolfm link won't play

I have used the following link to connect
<station url="">
<name>COOL FM</name>

Is this correct

The ol link which worked was

<station url="">
<name>98 QFM</name>

so I would assume this should work
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We are a little unsure how your system works. We cant see any popups when we visit your site. You appear to have the correct IP / Port in your above message. can you give us some more details on the software you run and how its supposed to work.

We will try and help you with your issue.
obviously you must have popups allowed for the site. this is the only popup on the site.

A popup player will open
There are 3 links in there

Click on any of those links and music starts EXCEPT Coolfm which gives error "cannot connect"
This was working fine till I put in new link which is as follows

Since I have used IR I have put in a link but the coolfm link won't play

I am talking to my host to see if it a probem at their end
My host has now sorted the problem it was at their end.
But, I am getting worse buffering using IR than I did using my own local shoutcast server.
I get error cannot send data fast enough.
I have never had this problem before even when I was running 3 encoders of different bitrates

any ideas
The 'cannot send data past enough' message means that somewhere between your encoder and the radio server there is something that is causing your data to get slowed down. This could be a faulty network card on your machine an improperly configured router or issues with the network connections. Also, if you're sharing your internet connection with other machines they could use a good chunk of your upstream bandwidth which can lower your upstream bandwidth.

Can you do a speedtest and check your upstream bandwidth next time you have a problem ?

There is also a thread here with some useful info :
One more question

When I was using my local pc as a shoutcast server I had 2 encoders running i.e. One set up at 48k AAC+ and one running at 64K MP3(pro) .
Is this possible on here
As far as we know shoutcast servers only support 1 stream at a time. Some of our users have 2 or 3 servers with us to achieve this. If you want to do this then feel free to sign up for a second account.