Server not found error


New Member
Have been streaming OK for some months using Nicecast however now lost stream on playout both with FMP player on web site and on TuneIn Radio directory listing etc, source shows connected and is dual running with our Shoutcast server OK i.e. playing out fine. From source end all looks OK and server shows OK in CP, no settings knowingly changed, advice welcome :)
additional info

it looks like the server is no longer allowing listening connections.... formerly reliable server now effectively offline, would appreciate a support response
now working...

switched to autodj, restarted server then turned server off, disabled autodj and restarted again and stream restarted ok.... :wonder:
Apologies for the delay. We have tuned in and the server is accepting incoming connections. We are slightly confused. Is everything working ok now ?

The reset seems to have worked OK and has been stable again since then however we are having intermittent Nicecast log in problems with our Shoutcast server (radiolewes account) which eventually clear on a server restart. Again this has been rock steady for months but has become flaky of late. Both are now running but it has been frustrating as we are at the stage of publicising channels and would like them to be there when listeners/sponsors etc tune in. :)
Thats very strange that Nicecast is having problems connecting. Are you running the latest version ? Even if Nicecast was having trouble connecting once it is connected the listeners should be fine to tune in. Keep and eye on it and let us know how you get on.
continuing problems with shoutcast server

just to update - our shoutcast server (radiolewes) continues to be a pain. It's now not listed in Shoutcast directory and has stopped working with Marci, Nicecast often shows a good connection but Source connected in CP says No but playout fine, or Nicecast says unable to connect, source connected says No and playout continues or the same happens and playout is in a short loop. Then Nicecast connects once again, Source Connected in CP says Yes, listeners say None even though we have player running but no Shoutcast Directory listing or Marci. Yet all these features have been working and config not changed..... our Icecast server works fine using exactly same software/hardware i.e. up to date Nicecast etc :(

just looked at the server config in cp yet again, it showed listener although CP didn't, and bizarrely Marci and Shoutcast directory now working after being out for 10 hours again....
The shoutcast directory is notoriously odd in its listing reliability and unfortunately out of our control. Most stations that have issues notice it starts working again after a while.

Can you send us some links to your sites where you have the issues so we can have a look / test ?

Is everything working now ?

still very flaky, see attached screen grab of CP showing offline yet player still streaming to web page... earlier had Internal Server Error report on CP and couldn't reload/restart/stop server Now cannot restart from CP and am also getting repeated timeouts on ftp upload....


  • Screen shot 2011-02-15 at 05.45.39.png
    Screen shot 2011-02-15 at 05.45.39.png
    41 KB · Views: 1,050
server woes

our server shows offline in CP and the option to start does not work yet it is streaming OK via Nicecast Radio Lewes Channel 1 -can't restart server either....


  • Screen shot 2011-02-15 at 14.24.12.png
    Screen shot 2011-02-15 at 14.24.12.png
    36.3 KB · Views: 925
We have performed a manual reset on the server and it appears to have fixed the issue with the screenshot. If you could let us know if this has worked out ?

The internal server error / ftp issues appears to be related to remote backups happening at the same time. They happen early hours (around 5:30am) which we presume is roughly the same time you are getting the errors ? We are going to tweak these at the weekend when we are in the backup data center. If you could bear with us until we get in there and avoid ftp around that time you shouldn't have a problem.