Over 25 years of various "DJ" experience...


New Member
I'm wanting to try the streaming thing (I hear it's what all the cool kids are doing). My music knowledge ranges from the 1940's to current, but my preferences are Classic Rock, 80's Rock and Pop, and 90's Alternative...although I have my 60's cravings at times too.

Anyway, I would need some guidance as to where to start. I need someone to mold me into the internet radio DJ God to crush all others! Sorry, I play Civilization a little too much.

Any pointers to get me started will be gratefully appreciated.

Thank You,
Wade Michaels

Please feel free to email me at WildmanMW@Hotmail.com. Stop laughing at me for still having a Hotmail account!
Hi Wade,

I am Reba, Promotion Mgr. at Have A Blast Radio. We are currently looking for DJs. Please check out our station, you would fit right in I think. Complete the application located on the home page and I will get in touch.
Looking forward to hearing from you.