Oldies N More Radio - Seeking Volunteer DJs


New Member
Oldies N More Radio is looking to add a few new deejays to our staff!

We are a fully licensed 5 year old U.S. radio station with a LARGE listening audience.

Click here to see our listener map (below the chat room)

We love to have fun, but do NOT allow profanity or political rhetoric.

Our DJs provide:

  1. Music from the 50's - 70's in mp3 format and properly tagged
  2. SAM Broadcaster
  3. Good microphone
  4. Friendly interaction with listeners in our chat room
  5. Be dependable! Minimum of (1) 2 hour show per week ... more is appreciated!
If you are interested in becoming a member of our team of DJs to broadcast a LIVE radio show,
please contact: JoeT at joetrequestline@gmail.com or Cosmos at cosmosrequest@gmail.com.

Oldies N More Radio is the place to be as we bring the best music of the 50s
through the 70s to the world.

ONM Logo.jpg
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