Silent stream
Hi. After starting up Nicecast this morning, my stream was silent today, like described above, after some years of working flawlessly. It won't play iTunes sound, but it does for instance play Safari sound without a problem.
I didn't change any slider or setting. It just stopped doing iTunes. iTunes itself functions ok, with sound.
The only thing that changed in the last hours was the Java update for Mac OSX 10.5 of last night, but there is no ref to an audio connection on Apple's site.
I did a re-install of Nicecast on that Mac Mini, but to no avail.
On my iMac (same OS, same update) all works fine.
I wrote to Rogueamoeba but no answer yet.
Any ideas?
EDIT: It's horrible that one solves a problem after hours of searching and JUST after posting here. Sorry all. So, it is SOLVED. Somehow, in the 'multiple speakers' setting of iTunes, the computer itself got un-checked.