unfortunately I haven't got a lot of experience with SMF-based forums and I couldn't find the actual forum on your site; but those "free" forums are notoriously insecure. I thought it was more likely my ad blockers as I've encountered some forums that do not work at all and also been berated in many different languages (Swedish was most recent) by webmasters for using them
I would replace it with a wordpress based site - the hosting for decent ones isn't free unfortunately but they are not too difficult to edit. There are a lot of good free themesplugins.
My own site (
http://www,ratcotel.net) is based on Wordpress and I am no computer genius.
haven't dealt with much coding since the late 1980s/early 1990s and dropped out of Uni in 1992 (I got thrown out and threatened with arrest for hacking the Internet before it was officially allowed and the course wasn't exactly inspiring - the pirate radio and rave scene in the bit of London I then lived it was far more interesting
the site went through a variety of themes (there were originally two blogs; one for radio/media production and another for electronics/tech stuff until I found it too much to deal with updating and merged all the domains).
As you use mp3 this is a
very easy way to get an autoplayer.
You literally only need to add this raw HTML to a blog page or a widget (but pick one that does not get reloaded each time you click on a page or make this page load up in a new browser tab (that way anything else going on shouldn't disturb it).
This uses HTML5 rather than Flash - it needs more modern browsers/devices and often only works well with MP3 rather than the AAC format (which gives better sound quality for the same bitrate)
but I've tried it with both VFR Europe (including listening on my mobile whilst cycling to work) and your station and it works. It should work for all of you using this server and sending MP3.
for bubbles her code is
<audio autoplay preload="auto" controls src="http://uk3.internet-radio.com:8000/;"></audio>
I've made a test page here using this code which she is welcome to use until her forum/website is fixed or updated
this code should work for everyone with shoutcast; but you must alter it to
<audio autoplay preload="auto" controls src="http://**server number**.internet-radio.com:**port**;"></audio>
where **server number** is the first part of what your DJ's or playout connects to and **port** is the number after the colon
) - everyone has their own unique port number on here in the same way every radio station is allocated a frequency by the Communications Ministry (or pirates picks one that they know isn't in use
The semicolon is important on shoutcast streams. I am not 100% sure why because it looks wrong but without it nothiing works.
I will share the icecast link later once I am more certain I am doing things correct (I've already managed to hose up my centovacast access and encounter other random issues getting my stream working with Icecast (although I am doing some more complex stuff with the mountpoints)