Looking for 2 great personalities


New Member
Hi there,

I need TWO exceptional Radio DJ's for my internet based radio broadcast. The broadcast is talk free and commercial free but if I can find ideal personalities to really make the station pop, this will change. If you would like to learn more about the station feel free to check out our website. I'd suggest you give our existing broadcast a listen to better acquaint yourself with what is expected. This gig will not generate any revenue at this time, but will get you a platform of publicity for your work and in the long term if things work out, a share of the revenue from advertising.

I need some upbeat and knowledgeable music DJ's (Experience not necessary) that can record their own show in their home studios and deliver me the material the day before the show will air. Ideally, they will already know their respective genres and business and be very passionate about music like myself.

We specifically need a Rock/Alternative DJ and a Pop/Dance DJ. The DJ's will be given access to Billboard.biz for a source of industry material, charts and info for your individual shows as well as access to all the new music lined up for the broadcast.

We need listeners, and you will bring them to us...

Please contact us and submit a demo.

You can check out our website at RadioEllaBella.com

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