I would like for some DJ'S to join me on my station i do 3 hour shows and you have to have your own Sam and i have planty of slots open for you to come and DJ's for me. I would appreciate it a lot if some one would come and joined me. i have had my station for about 8 years now and its a beautiful station, and i have application for you to sign up with me, Please come and join me i need some DJ.s on my station. Judith
Hi Judith
I would like to ne a Radio DJ on your Radio Station
Where are you based and have you an email address?
djflamingstar@cox.net. iva do you have your own sam and can do three our shows and i do have application on the jndradio.com you can fill out for me. i am from oklahoma and been onair about 8 to 12 years now and i do have slots you can get for the station too.
djflamingstar@cox.net. iva do you have your own sam and can do three our shows and i do have application on the jndradio.com you can fill out for me. i am from oklahoma and been onair about 8 to 12 years now and i do have slots you can get for the station too.
Hi Judith
I have emailed a demo and fill the application out on your Website
I have Sam Broadcsdster and yes I should be able to do 3 hour slots
I am in the UK
How many hours are you behind the UK?
It is now 7.08pm
djflamingstar@cox.net. iva do you have your own sam and can do three our shows and i do have application on the jndradio.com you can fill out for me. i am from oklahoma and been onair about 8 to 12 years now and i do have slots you can get for the station too.
Hi Judith
I have tried to email the Demo and it came back as it was too big
Can I send it on wetransfer?
Or is there any other way of sending it
Please let me know