Introducing GamerFM - The Radio for Gamers.


New Member

About GamerFM

Welcome to GamerFM. A new online community radio station targeted towards pc gamers. we play a good mix of everything but focus more towards pop,rock and dance music. The whole purpose of gamerfm is to build a community and safe place for people to hang out, somewhere people can be themselves without feeling judged by everyone else - just enjoy life and make some friends. We are slowly building up our infrastructure and back end so the website is secure and ready to go live. The station has been live a few months but only recently i have been pushing it more. This is a non toxic place for mature people. At the moment we have a few djs doing weekly shows and the autodj curently plays a nice variety of genres.

What makes GamerFM different to the rest?

I'm not going to lie to you and say gamerfm is the best and so much different to all the rest. Ofcourse any online radio is virtually the same thing with a different name. But i want to make Gamer.FM more then that. I want the people involved in the station and listening to feel like they can call gamerfm their home. But I do want it to SOUND the best it can and do things the proper way.

How can i listen?

As you can see the main website is in development but thats not where i want the focus to be. Ofcourse it's important but i want to concentrate mostly on interaction and making connections with poeple.You can listen with our discord bot, on mobile apps such as streema, getmeradio!,,mytuneradio, & others. Also on overwolf in over 500 supported games with our overwolf app. We are also featured in a indie survival game called drive4survival. Currently looking into getting added into games such as ets2 , faming sim ect.

Overwolf app -
Discord bot -
Add us to your ets2 radio list -

Why should i join?

Well that's up to you to decide. If you want to join simply conenct to the discord server and message me (mr.Luigi#1432) with a demo and some info about you.(you can also get a free jingle for your shows if you are dedicated enough;)) Or you can simply email me instead If you want to help us grow, sharing us on social media and messaging your friends is probably the best way! It takes time to grow a station but i hope to get some nice folks onboard! I should probably include that we are licensed by ppl and prs, before anyone asks.

Our social Media
Follow us if you want

FB -
Twitter - @officialgamerfm
IG - @officialgamerfm
Discord -

Have any questions? Leave them below!​


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if anyone is interested please get in contact - we want to build a team of people who like to have a laugh and don't take things too seriously.