New Member
Hello Internet Radio!
I'm writing today to present to you my online radio station - UpBeat.

UpBeat is an online community powered radio station aimed primarily towards a teenage audience, but we have listeners from all kinds of backgrounds!
Since we first opened back in spring of 2016, our primary goal has always been to provide non-stop entertainment that a large variety of people can enjoy whilst going about their day.
So far, we've been doing quite well at doing that. We're now reaching and maintaining audiences of 1.2k+ unique visitors per day!
We have been running smoothly for almost three years and feel it's about time we take some risks and make a greater attempt to broaden our amazing community!

I am writing this thread to present to you a number of things, including some voluntary staff positions we currently have open.
If you're not interested in a staff position, that's okay! However I encourage you to take a look at our website and get involved!
Our website is open to the public, but once registered you're able to comment on news articles, receive the verified role in our Discord Server, win competitions and much more!
You can also take a listen to the radio itself - we have several DJ's live every day!

If you're interested in joining our staff team, we currently have two roles open:
Radio DJ & News Reporter
Radio DJ's are the core role of UpBeat. Radio DJ's are responsible for keeping listeners entertained throughout the day by hosting a range of competitions, taking requests and shoutouts and playing the freshest hits. If you love music, this is the role for you!
News Reporter's are responsible for actively posting articles to the UpBeat site. Articles can contain a variety of topics but usually/mostly involve pop culture. If you have a passion for writing, News Reporter is the role for you!
A more detailed explanation, including our requirements can be found on our Jobs Page.
Once you're registered on the website, the application process is simple! We look forward to hearing from you.

That's all!
Thank you for reading and we hope to see you around!
- Jack & The UpBeat Team