Free 3-hour Syndicated Radio Show Available to Stations


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The Kai Marsh Show is a 3-hour weekly entertainment show available for broadcast on your station.

Our playlist mostly consists of pop music from the past decade.

The show is provided as three 57-minute long segments to allow for your station’s news/ads/TOH.

The show is completely free to broadcast and you may broadcast it as many times as you like. Promotional material including presenter photos, social media images and trails can be provided upon request.

Previous shows are available to listen to at

For more information, please visit or email
Great shows . Lots of fun and sounds like the kind of show that would fit in on Hive365 Google us.
If you can do a "live" hour to two, that would be amazing. We do "live" because we have I live listeners dashboard to interact in real time. Making us one, if not the most interactive station on the web.