FireBird v 4.2.2 Reset Weight Balance


New Member
Hello. We are using SAM Broadcaster FireBird v 4.2.2. We have also tried newer versions, but this one, at least according to our experience, is the most stable, although it has its drawbacks. Some are solvable, but others, like the problem we face now, have no answer. Does anyone have an idea how to reset the weight balance for the entire base? From the Tools/Maintenance/Reset Weigh Balance menu, the balance of some titles is selectively reset, but a large part remain with the already set weights. The base is about ten thousand titles and manual reset is almost impossible. With an uninstall and then a fresh install I guess it will work, but there are rotations created with the scheduler that will have to be redone, and over time they fit almost perfectly, and it will take months to get back to what it is now . All in all, a dead end. I guess only the base of the Firebird will need to be touched, but how exactly? Thanks to those who responded!