CrowZone Radio - UK


New Member
Hi, we launched CrowZone Radio back in May 2014 broadcasting 24/7 from our "Refectory Studio" in North Wiltshire UK (and we're listed with Internet Radio here)

Our music mix is really varied, I mean really varied. Ok, we play a lot of alternative indie stuff, but also mainstream, classic, jazz, folk, chill (overnight). You never know what's coming next!

We currently run four live shows:

Monday 7 - 8pm UKSmudge(from studio 2 in the North east of England), more of a rocky feel with the "long un" but also plenty of classic tracks
Tuesday 7 - 8pmThe Folk Hourthe finest of English Folk music
Wednesday 9 - 10pmMrs. HBZHand picked music to brighten up your mid week and:
"Radio Book Club"
Thurs 8 - 10pmHow BizarreThe broadest mix from the dusty corners of our library

We'd love your company and any feedback