Changes to ASX file for Internet Radio Guide


New Member
Hello, I have provided Internet Radio Guide with the following streaming link:

They have responded with the following:
We don’t accept HTML view or embedded players. To remove HTMLView, do a search of your ASX file on “HTMLView” to find something like the following:
<param name="HTMLView" value="" />
Simply remove this line from your ASX file.

Is this something you can assist me with? If not, what streaming link can I provided for them? Thank You
Hello, I first provided them with that streaming link and this was their response:

The stream you provided below displays a ShoutCast page. We need a direct streaming link, an audio stream that plays directly in Windows Media Player without displaying or launching associated web pages. When a user clicks on it, it should directly open a Windows Media Player.

Here are some correct samples FYI.

We accept m3u and mp3 streams.
Please note that we do not accept .pls files natively.
We need a direct streaming link, an audio stream that plays directly in Windows Media Player without displaying or launching associated web pages. When a user clicks on it, it should directly open a Windows Media Player. does directly open in Windows Media player. Its an .asx file extension.

However, we have noticed that in your servers control panel settings you have our website address in your website URL settings. This therefore is loading our website in the Windows Media view when you open the .asx file.

We have now removed this URL for you and it now no longer loads. See how they get on with that now.