Our server homepage was showing that we had an awful lot of bandwidth remaining when I went to be last night, approx midnight UK time, having only bought 40gb about a week ago.
I wake up this morning to find we are "overdrawn" on bandwidth and have had to buy another 40gb.
We have only been getting on average about 15 listeners a day according to the server reports, so where has our bandwidth gone and how come the server was not updating us as to it's usage?
Anyone from Internet Radio shed any light for us please?
I wake up this morning to find we are "overdrawn" on bandwidth and have had to buy another 40gb.
We have only been getting on average about 15 listeners a day according to the server reports, so where has our bandwidth gone and how come the server was not updating us as to it's usage?
Anyone from Internet Radio shed any light for us please?