Art and Title for stream?


New Member
Sorry to be the annoying guy starting a thread with my first post, but I really don't see anywhere to put this question. Long story short, I'm running a set of algorithms on a computer and streaming the audio live 24/7 from there. That's my station - I don't have any other media. One thing that I'm having trouble with is associating an image and some semblance of an artist name with the live stream overall...depending on where you're viewing the information, it seems to be pretty much assumed that you are playing files (Auto DJ).

Does anyone out there have experience with this sort of thing?
Hi k!l0watt, welcome to the forums. 8)

Firstly, we checked out your website and we really like what you are doing, that's a very interesting concept and the first of its kind that we have ever come across. :clap: Would be interested to know some more about your "Aleator" plugin (Fellow music producer / tech geek here ;)).

Anyway back to the point, what stream encoder software are you using for the live stream?

Also, it would be great if you could submit your station for listing in our directories. Add Your Internet Radio Station
it is possible to send metadata separately to the stream, at least for text (haven't tried it with pictures)/

On Windows I us this French software to do this - currently using it for an experimental stream on VFR Europe as I've now got the fast VDSL broadband. beware that the flash players seem not to be able to pick up the faster updates, and changing metadata may knacker some automatic recording software by splitting it up into numerous small files (if I wanted to record a stream I sent I would use a separate device and capture the audio output anyway).

Liquidsoap can also do this (and much more) but I've only just started with the basics, the OP would know far more about coding than I do...

the link below may look strange but it does point to the software. There is limited documentation, and what does exist in French...;)

Index of /

more info about this experiment is here (unfortunately I might have to revert to the old way of doing things during the week as those PCs are using about 250W of electricity (at least I switched to the eco-friendly company (and it works out cheaper than the one I am previously using!).

One MP3 stream from an icecast server is being transcoded into 3 more (including the MP3 stream on the servers here)

VFR Europe - update - Party Vibe Radio
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Hey you guys thanks a bunch for the responses. I use the LAME encoder - MP3 is the output format and I just bounce directly to the SHOUTcast server instead of to a file.

I submitted my station a bit ago - thanks for the heads up. Any questions about the project, just ask. What'd you wanna know?

GL - thanks for the advice. I'll check out the software you mentioned. I don't know anything about Liquidsoap but it looks like you can do a lot with it...
Sorry, perhaps we should have been more clear. What we meant was the live stream encoder software you use to send the audio to Shoutcast. Not the actual Mp3 encoder (lame) itself.

:yes: 8)

Ah I see. Actually, it's the Shoutcast plugin for Reaper.

Index of /unreleased_plugins

You just dump the .dll in the plugins folder with the rest of them. After that, Shoutcast Source appears in the destination dropdown when you bounce.
Ah OK, that's interesting, we had no idea such a thing for DAW's existed, well Reaper anyway. Would be interested to test something like that out if they did such a plugin for Cubase / Ableton.