A Radio Station Wants You

Hi Guys...

were looking to expand our syndicate of Radio Stations for unsigned bands to get airplay. Having a network such as yours on the syndicate woudl give us a massive amount of rach in additoin to the current 20 or so stations we have (one is a syndicate itself of 4 statiosn so thats technically 24 lol)

We send a weekly submission of the best tracks sent to Pied Piper Promo, via our syndicate, for them to consider for airplay.

All you need to do is take a listen to the 5-10 tracks (details of genre, hometown etc will be included so you can easily skip anything unsuuited for your show) and if you like one that you hear give it a play on your show.

We will notify bands that are successful in acheiving radio play and they in turn will be inviting their fans to tune into your show..... instantly giving you a boost in listenership. All tracks will be pre-vetted by Pied Piper Promo for radio quality and content.

Submissions will include a stream of the track (if you need an MP3 copy we can obtain this for you
Artist Details

Confirm via reply and we can add your mailing address to the syndicate list in time for the first submissions next week

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