
  1. Energy1058

    Drum and Bass DJs wanted for radio shows

    We're on the look out for more Drum and Bass Djs mainly for sundays but other days avilable and free to play more often via an open schedule. If you would like to know more please get in touch or fill out an appliction: https://my.forms.app/energy1058/djapplication or feel free to come and...
  2. D

    Bass Flow Radio

    Back in the Early 90s DJ sparks become one the most popular DJs on Pirate radio Around London and he also made it big in the drum and bass population making he’s first hit record he released 2020 titled (get tot he chopper) using sound clips from the iconic movie (predator) he become a hit in...
  3. Most Likely Forever

    metal band seeking widespread airplay

    https://www.numberonemusic.com/mostlikelyforever we're from newfoundland, canada. influenced by pantera, killswitch, machinehead, etc. our debut album drops next week. powken@hotmail.com. please have a listen. we can deliver the goods.