Search results

  1. Bulldogsrock

    DJ Available

    I am not sure. That is my email. Perhaps if you can give me yours. I will contact you. Thanks
  2. Bulldogsrock

    dj looking for station that plays country classics

    Bulldogs Radio has been running for two years now and we like to welcome new DJ`s. contact me on
  3. Bulldogsrock

    DJ Available

    I just listened to a bit of your podcast and I do think that you will be a good fit for our station.. We have a full variety station that has been going for almost two years. You can check out our site. I do hope that I will hear from you. You can contact me on...
  4. Bulldogsrock

    Stream licensing options and alternatives

    Hello, I have been running my station with you guys since we opened and I have been very happy and satisfied, however, I find myself with a rather big problem. You might have heard that stream licensing has closed and has redirected me to Live365, but they will not allow me to just get a...
  5. Bulldogsrock

    Deep house

    We are a full variety can check us out on
  6. Bulldogsrock

    Breakbeat DJ Looking to host show

    I have a full variety station. You are welcome to try out with us, however it is volunteer work. Just saying.,
  7. Bulldogsrock

    Join the radio Family, come and DJ with us.

    If you are looking to be part of a family. Then this is where you need to be. We ROCK. We are here for the music and we have great fun. You can check out our DJ Schedule. A 100% global station. DJ`s from the US, Canada; France,Europe etc. We welcome all. We are...
  8. Bulldogsrock

    Hoping to be part of a great station and make it even better!

    Hi there..please take a look at our sound like a good fit for are a radio family and we do this for the love of music. you can contact me on
  9. Bulldogsrock

    The Knight Fan Stan Show looking for a new home !

    Hey there...You sound very interesting..and I would like to hear from you. We have a baby new station..We will be one year old in Feb. Please take a look at our website and see what you we can get together.
  10. Bulldogsrock

    Trans radio presenter

    Hi there...I am not sure i know what LGBT means, but I have a young and upcoming can check our my If you are interested you can contact me on love to hear from you..We are a family of great peeps.
  11. Bulldogsrock

    Join our amazing team

    At the moment it is not as much as we would like..We had many listeners, but as we got new DJ`s we lost was almost like the preferred the Auto DJ, but I am hoping that with getting new DJ`s we will build again. DJ´s play what they like and maybe not all likes, but i do believe that...
  12. Bulldogsrock

    Join our amazing team

    I am just looking for the other screen shots now. I am a photographer by hobby..Got more then 10000
  13. Bulldogsrock

    Join our amazing team

  14. Bulldogsrock

    Join our amazing team

    Of course we can... We did not win...obviously...And one of the reasons was that I felt we were not a full on dutch station, but the fact that we were nominated...That counts. I can also give you the Internet Radio screen shots...
  15. Bulldogsrock

    Join our amazing team

    We are an up an coming young station that has already been voted by internet radio for 3 months in a row as one of the top stations..We are looking for Dj`s that would love to join our Radio family and just share there love for check out our site. Full...
  16. Bulldogsrock


    We are a full variety station...Still a young station, but growing fast. You can contact me on or you can take a look at our We are a people station. Very radio family orientated..If this is your me..I would love to hear from you.
  17. Bulldogsrock


    Hi Joe..that is weird, but you contact me on am sorry for only getting back to you know, but it is the life got in the way thing...If you have not come right yet, please contact me...We would love to have you on board and bring you into our radio family.
  18. Bulldogsrock

    Album Art

    Thank you for the reply. Is there a way then that I can perhaps have our station logo show up instead of the question mark pic?
  19. Bulldogsrock

    Album Art

    Hi there How can I get my album art to show up during live shows. I have no problem seeing it when Auto DJ is on, but not during live shows. Thank you Letitia
  20. Bulldogsrock

    UK Based Experienced DJ - Looking For A New Home For His Show

    As I said, I would confirm time...How is 20h30 my time...I think that is 19h30 by you...also I need your skype handel...You can send that to me at my private Have a great Sunday