Search results

  1. Sonic

    Experienced Radio Breakbeat DJ Looking for a new station

    Fort, Why quote me and then abuse him. I don't understand either. Lets see your work and we all can be the judge! I thought N/A's work was good and I thought I would give him a shot. Did not see a bed in his home studio lmao put up or SU!
  2. Sonic

    Experienced Radio Breakbeat DJ Looking for a new station

    After him sending me many emails asking to join my site this Dj was a total no show! I guess its time to take you off my site N/A Good luck with this one Demo.
  3. Sonic

    DJ for Hire

    Hi James, are you UK or US based. Come join an active site with listeners. Contact me via this forum or my links on other posts. Cheers Sonic
  4. Sonic

    Sonic Radio.Rocks

    Our Dj's play anything from the 60's until now Chris. It's up to you what you play, your show.
  5. Sonic

    Theres alot of Radio Stations Looking For Dj's

    You told me it was prerecorded and not live Lou sorry. If you do live shows let me know...
  6. Sonic

    Annoying Spam!

    Yes that is one way but still allot of work for you. Depends on your software options but maybe limit posts to one an hour. This will slow them up and make them work hard. This forum has no need for multiple posts inside of minutes. Just another idea.
  7. Sonic

    Annoying Spam!

    Hello Admin, This continual smashing of the site is nearly as frustrating for us as it is you. Disable new memberships for a few days and maybe they will go and annoy someone else hopefully. Banning IP's is useless with so many proxy's available. I have hosted forums in the past and this...
  8. Sonic

    manager&presenters wanted

    Is that email addy missing a "b" ??
  9. Sonic

    Join The #1 Online Internet Radio Station

    We see so many like this, no content, need DJ's and some one to code the site for them. But! this is a new one for me. Join The #1 Online Internet Radio Station Lmao Stevy
  10. Sonic

    Sonic Radio.Rocks still has some DJ/presenter positions available. I have 5 servers relaying out to all major sites to get our DJ's listeners. Our DJ's mp3 stream is transformed into AAC format by my server. ( Advanced Audio Coding ) We have many DJ's on the site so your not going to an empty...
  11. Sonic

    Veil Radio // Looking for Staff !

    Nice can't wait to see the end result. A good solid station with good coding should get you results not like the free web sites we keep seeing. Cheers
  12. Sonic

    Veil Radio // Looking for Staff !

    Word of advise, Thomas adverting with no content on your site wont get you Dj's. Saying it took you 2 months to get it to this stage well I would not go there. I can build a full radio station and have it up and running in under 4 hours. Just saying don't put yourself out there until you look...
  13. Sonic

    Country presenter

    Hi Pete, Check out we have a great chat room to take requests inside the chat room not via emails. If you do interviews with skype I can help you there to. We are licensed also for your protection.
  14. Sonic

    Is it your Time to join a station with listeners? Read on.

    Lmfao Stevy, I had to put sunglasses on just to view his site. Bud if that's all you can come up with after 19 years, I would give up now. Especially with no License displayed on your site! Be very very careful who you piss off ! Edit: He deleted his post wonder why lol
  15. Sonic

    UpBeatRadio - Keeping you up with the beat!

    This type of public out burst tells us all not to hire you Flamingo. Maybe delete your posts an take it to private message yes?
  16. Sonic

    BAIT Radio looking to expand

    Your Emails fail you my want to look at that...
  17. Sonic

    New Station PunkRat FM looking for enthusiastic broadcasters

    Very nice web site, cant wait to see it finished...Well done! If you would like a top chat room for the site let me know.
  18. Sonic

    Semi Experienced dj with Great personality lookin for work...

    Paul is an admin and a DJ on Sonic for a good year and a half now Judith. Did you look at the post date ? Are you even Licensed?
  19. Sonic

    If you need a DJ

    OMG please help us, I'm in stitches on the floor laughing here....Every post a winner :P
  20. Sonic

    If you need a DJ

    Jim, all I said is I know the person. I was not condoning his activities.