Search results

  1. Sonic

    Over 25 years of various "DJ" experience...

    Hi Wade, check out all help will be given to get you on the air. Your music tastes will fit right in at Sonic. Cheers
  2. Sonic

    New presenter to play some great music

    Check out new chat system and a big team of DJ's
  3. Sonic

    Calling all country Dj's

  4. Sonic

    Need web design

    Will talk to you in PM
  5. Sonic

    Need web design

    I'm also a web host.I can set you up with a full site and chat room etc. I currently host and built 4 stations.
  6. Sonic

    Calling all country Dj's

    Don't we all wish we could get paid. Still positions available in a new and fast growing site. Get in touch with me if this is your style/genre.
  7. Sonic

    Calling all country Dj's

    Hello all country dj's, I just built this new site totally dedicated to country music. Contact me if your interested. Cheers
  8. Sonic

    Chat room

    Hello all radio owners. I have been a radio and chat host for near 20 years and am volunteering my service to all owners. I see all types of chat on sites but the interaction is minimal. Discord and other php chats just do the basics and that's it. How would you like a chat room that Dj's can...
  9. Sonic

    Looking for Automation Software

    If your not a site coder and want a good panel with heaps more features than Centova. In saying that I have Centova running on my servers but the above panel is impressive. If you have an account here you can encode this panel straight into it. 7 day free trial but it is...
  10. Sonic

    MIX&Mashup Dj's New Station For You!!

    DJ's If your into mixing your own music, may it be mashups, beat box, rave or you just have a style you want to share. Not getting enough exposure from your podcasts? Join this station and go live to the world with your music. Share and talk about your passion with like minded Dj's. This is a...
  11. Sonic

    Become a Sonic DJ still has some DJ/presenter positions available. We have many DJ's on the site so your not going to an empty station at Sonic. If you would like to be part of the team you don't have to jump through hoops or fill out forms. Just drop me an email...
  12. Sonic

    Sonic Radio.Rocks

    Yes via message box here on the forum and the chat room on Sonic.
  13. Sonic

    Sonic Radio.Rocks

    I will resend the two reply's I sent you with dates. One of which had all your encoder details etc.
  14. Sonic

    Sonic Radio.Rocks

    As others may have found Nitewind and Front Range a very big none event. Be careful of these two wasting your time! We still have positions at the station for genuine Dj's to join a huge team with heaps of listeners. Please don't waste my time or ask for a heap of stuff coded for you then be a...
  15. Sonic

    Sonic Radio.Rocks

    Hi Front Range, Email me or contact me via this forum and we can talk further ....
  16. Sonic


    Check out Sether Not sure your maybe the Dj Sether I know but your welcome to look us up, your show would fit in perfectly!
  17. Sonic


    Have you tried using the forum's message box to contact owners? I have seen people misspell emails on this forum also and the email you send gets returned. Allot of owners don't have a domain email, they use Gmail or Hotmail and that causes problems of its own. I understand your frustrations and...
  18. Sonic

    Sonic Radio.Rocks

    Still some positions available to join a large team of DJ's in a unique chat environment! Also you can create your own personal chat room and we can put a station bot in there for you.. IRC based chat so you can have trivia games etc. going in your room as well.. Please contact me for info!
  19. Sonic

    Look for paid job

    This thread is hilarious! Jay you have multiple posts on this forum asking for people to help you with your site and build it. The thread below and I quote " we are looking for people who would love to help us, bring this station off its feet " Did you want to edit that to put this station on...
  20. Sonic

    MAC Automation Software?

    Can I suggest you put a small windows partition on your Mac then you can run any software you want. Tutorials are on Youtube etc.