Hi read your post I been a dj clubs pubs radio dj it's great you opening a station 1970 through 1990s I play from 50s up 90 plus all music up to date I'm old school I play cds vinyl it's great look forward tuning in to your station Stevieb
You only cut my decoder when I left station you only person that said about my communication I had thousands tuning in to me I don't get paid for this we all volenteer good luck with your station I got no problem getting on a station as well I thinking opening my own station ppl license is a...
I only work on a station with a licence that's wy I ask you before before I done a show internet station get a blanket licence or internet licence I ask to come off your station no feedback and all so I told you I play cds vinyl you took me on and you did not dismiss me you upset be cause I...
Your station you ask for a live jj
Dj stands for disc jockey who plays music through mixers vinyl records cds I have about 8 cd players turntable I play live through this as i said im goes through decoder butt broudcast which I adjust all levels from my mixer as for talk request for a song...
Thanks for your reply I'm in process of demos.but I only connect to radio and do demo through butt broudcast live that's how I do demo I don't do recorded I taken one position on radio 2 shows I done a live demo on this station I don't send demos its best live thanks
Hi all stevie b volunteering for on line radio did not post I was a dj on epic radio approx 4 years old school dj when I was on epic I played live shows my computers got butt broadcasting my mixers 4 cd players mp3 players through butt .I play 50.60 70.80.90.disco.soul I was a mobile dj for...
Hi Jupiter radio I play 50.60 70 80 90 soul disco I got a great music selection. I play music dj mixers 4 cd players mp3 players connected to my computer I use butt broudcast check my profile and picture on Web site type in www.epic radio.com thanks steve
Hi Everyone
Musical background with the last 4 years volunteering for a well know station streaming live music, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s.
Available for online DJ ing volunteer work . Please contact me at your earliest convenience