Search results

  1. DJ Shadow

    Dj's (more then one) looking for stations is looking for DJ's.. we have a state of the art web page and chat.. We are an oldies station .. nothing after 1989..go in .. take a look around.. and fill out an application... Looking forward to hearing from you ..
  2. DJ Shadow

    Looking for a internet radio

    Hi Stampy.. we are also looking for DJ's.. We are an oldies station, don't play anything past 1989.. this is a non paying job...state of the art chat.. check us out..
  3. DJ Shadow

    DJ Looking to Broadcast is looking for DJ's, we are an oldies station and have been established for over 7 yrs. We are growing leaps and bounds. Go to our website.. look around.. we are state of the art, as well as our chat room.. I'm Kathryn ( DJ Shadow) and DJ Manager for Bullseye.. and I will train...
  4. DJ Shadow

    Looking for DJ's

    Looking for DJ's
  5. DJ Shadow

    I am the DJ Manager for , looking for DJ's . Oldies station, it is non...

    I am the DJ Manager for , looking for DJ's . Oldies station, it is non paying.. be dependable,