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  1. Support

    Genres has changed back to pop after server restart.

    Ok, I understand and I can fully appreciate that this is not ideal. I've just given you the permission to edit your server's raw config file. To edit the genres open up the 'liquidsoap' config file and on line 20 you'll see the genre settings. Edit this accordingly and then save the file...
  2. Support

    Website Issues

    Ok thanks for the information.
  3. Support

    Top 20 Radio Stations - December 2022

    Here is our top 20 list of popular radio stations for December 2022: 1. Majestic Jukebox Radio #HIGH QUALITY SOUND 2. CLASSIC ROCK MIAMI - SHE RADIO 3. The Seagull - Feel Good Variety 4. Dance UK Radio danceradiouk aac+ 5. RADIO ESTILO LEBLON 6. DnB&EDM 7. Venice Classic Radio 8...
  4. Support

    Genres has changed back to pop after server restart.

    Hi Soul Rhythms, I've corrected the genres for you.
  5. Support

    Website Issues

    That is strange. Do you view the web page in a fullscreen window or in a smaller minimized window? If you view this in a minimized window that could possibly be affecting the text positioning. I'm glad this seems to be working properly for you now anyway!
  6. Support

    Website Issues

    The 70's page is loading without any such issue for me and I've tested this in a few browsers as before.
  7. Support

    Website Issues

    Ok I see, I'm really not sure why that looks like that for you? The multiple genres for that station are not causing any spacing issues across various web browsers for me.
  8. Support

    This Weekend on SpiritPlants Radio

    Hi morganrow, I've responded to your multiple emails.
  9. Support

    Website Issues

    Hi morganrow, I've responded to your multiple emails.
  10. Support

    my station off line

    Hi morganrow, I've responded to your multiple emails.
  11. Support

    need help with my encorder

    Hi morganrow, I've responded to your multiple emails.
  12. Support

    Website Issues

    That is strange. Have you tried clearing your web browsers cache or with ingonito?
  13. Support

    Icecast Server YP Directory Settings

    Hi Fractal Fill, Do both of the streams share the exact same stream title but just at different bitrates?
  14. Support

    Website Issues

    Hi earlbj, I've tested this with a few different web browsers and the listener numbers are all showing fine! As Danceradiouk advised, it's probably worth checking your web browser settings or trying again with a different one.
  15. Support

    Stream Rippers

    Hi Stacy, From googling 'Fmod Sound System' it appears to be some audio software which allows you to add music into online games. So these connections must be using your stream for their games background music rather than just ripping the audio. But I can't say for certain! Simply kicking the...
  16. Support

    Top 20 Radio Stations - November 2022

    Here is our top 20 list of popular radio stations for November 2022: 1. Majestic Jukebox Radio #HIGH QUALITY SOUND 2. Dance UK Radio danceradiouk aac+ 3. RADIO ESTILO LEBLON 4. CLASSIC ROCK MIAMI - SHE RADIO 5. The Seagull - Commercial Free Christmas Variety 6. MoveDaHouse 7. Dance...
  17. Support

    LogIn to Internet Radio?

    You're welcome Santa. :)
  18. Support

    LogIn to Internet Radio?

    Hi Santa, I've created a page for your stations listing: No, as you do not host your stream with us then you won't be able to login and update your genres. In order to edit this information you will need to make any changes from within your...
  19. Support

    Choosing your radio genres wisely

    Hi KieranCloud, Welcome back! Yes, unfortunately there is a bit of a bug with the genres in the latest version of Centovacast at the moment, this will be fixed in the next update though. So for now I have given you the permission to edit your server's raw config file. To edit the genres open...
  20. Support

    Relay Server Down in Internet-Radio Account

    Hi Alleine, I've responded to the email you sent us. I'm glad that you worked out what the issue was.