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  1. Support

    Top 20 Radio Stations - January 2023

    Here is our top 20 list of popular radio stations for January 2023: 1. Majestic Jukebox Radio #HIGH QUALITY SOUND 2. CLASSIC ROCK MIAMI - SHE RADIO 3. Dance UK Radio danceradiouk aac+ 4. RADIO ESTILO LEBLON 5. Venice Classic Radio 6. RussianRoulette/LONDON/RUSSIAN TOP100/POP&CLUB...
  2. Support

    Genres has changed back to pop after server restart.

    Hi TGrooves, You can lower your bitrate under your 'Mount Points' AutoDJ settings. Make sure that once you change this setting that you fully stop and restart the server in order for the new bitrate to take full effect. You don't need to edit the raw config file in notepad. Under your accounts...
  3. Support

    Genre reset

    Hi kvnmradio, I've reset your genres for you as requested.
  4. Support

    Why did the radio station's genre itself change to (unspecified)?

    Yes, that is strange that the genre shows on the Shoutcast directories even though your servers status page shows this as being 'Unspecified'. Something does seem to be wrong with your authhash settings as the stream title is also displayed as question marks. There may be a character encoding...
  5. Support

    Why did the radio station's genre itself change to (unspecified)?

    Hi belradio123, I can see that you have created the Shoutcast authhash for your stream, so to amend the genres you'll need to login to your account and change the settings from within there for the authhash as that overrides any of the settings you have set up within your control...
  6. Support

    Thumbnail Not Showing Anymore

    That's great to hear. I'm really pleased that you figured this out. I'm a bit surprised that was causing this problem for you, but that is interesting to know. Thanks for the update!
  7. Support

    Choosing your radio genres wisely

    Yes, this will happen as the term 'Garage' is a dance music genre in its own right. But you'll also still be found under the 'Rock' genre page as well.
  8. Support

    need help on encoder

    Hi morganrow, Ok great, we're pleased to hear that you figured this out yourself.
  9. Support

    Thumbnail Not Showing Anymore

    Hi brothwel, Yes, we can always recreate your account again for you. This would obviously mean that your server details would change, so as long as you are okay with this then we'll happily do this for you. Please drop us an email via to discuss this...
  10. Support

    Thumbnail Not Showing Anymore

    Hi brothwel, You're doing everything correctly and I've been playing about with the files in the same way myself for a bit and I just can't seem to get the artwork to load either? I can't work out why this is not working for you? I'll continue to see if I can get this working somehow and...
  11. Support

    Genre reset....please...

    Hi kvnmradio, I've updated your genres for you.
  12. Support

    Thumbnail Not Showing Anymore

    I've had a look at your media folders and control panel and it appears to be the 'VOD Promos' and 'Guarding Your Heart' files that are not showing the thumbnails. I've noticed the image file you have in your 'Info and Reminders' folder is art.png and not art.jpg, so you'll want to correct...
  13. Support

    Pause between Station ID and General Rotation

    Hi Penfold Old Time Radio, Have you checked that all of your station ID files have no gaps of silence at the end of the files? Also, I've noticed that all of your uploaded music files and station ID's all have varying different bitrates. Ideally these should all be encoded at the same bitrate...
  14. Support

    Thumbnail Not Showing Anymore

    Hi brothwel, Have you tried a library update under the options of the 'Media' section of your control panel and also fully stopping and restarting the server at all?
  15. Support

    "Buy this album" link

    Hi brothwel, No, unfortunately there is no way to disable the "Buy this album" link in the control panel. We could probably remove this from within Centovacast all together but this would affect all accounts.
  16. Support

    Update genre ??

    No problem.
  17. Support

    Update genre ??

    Hi Alleine, I've just noticed that you only stream live. The genre settings are only for when using the AutoDJ feature. So in your case you will need to set the genres in your live stream encoder softwares settings.
  18. Support

    Genres has changed back to pop after server restart.

    No problem at all. Let us know if you need any help with it. It might be a good idea for you to first copy the liquid soap config files code to a text file as a backup just in case you ever need to restore it.
  19. Support

    Relay Server Down in Internet-Radio Account

    No problem :)
  20. Support

    Update genre ??

    Hi Alleine, Ok I see, you would probably be best setting your genres in that case as 'Variety', 'Game' and also even 'Soundtracks'. You can set up to 5 genres. Unfortunately there is a bit of a bug with users setting their own genres in the latest version of Centovacast at the moment, this...