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  1. Support

    The scheduler works late, the general rotation continues to play

    Thanks for the example. The thing with the Centovacast AutoDJ feature is that it's not that advanced and you'll never really get the scheduled playlists to start bang on the minute/hour. For better control over this you might want to consider running some other live automated scheduling software...
  2. Support

    The scheduler works late, the general rotation continues to play

    Hi belradio123, Please be aware that tracks on the Auto DJ playlists are never interrupted mid-track. So if a longer track was playing just before another scheduled playlist was due to start, the system would wait for that track to finish first. So, if for example the track playing was 15...
  3. Support

    How accurate are statistics on radio listeners?

    Hi belradio123, The peak listeners is the total number of listener connections made during a specific hour of that day's reporting period, these would not have all been concurrent listeners. Some will have probably tuned in and out again instantly. Your stats are showing that on the 13th of...
  4. Support

    How do a change the " Genre" and other info, on my page?

    That's odd, the genres were still in place in your liquid soap raw config file. Perhaps I forgot the restart the server at the time?? I've just restarted the server now and the genres are now displaying:
  5. Support

    How do a change the " Genre" and other info, on my page?

    I've re-added them for you. Please be aware that at the moment due to this odd bug, if you update your accounts settings and then restart the server it will default the genre settings back to "pop".
  6. Support

    Top 20 Radio Stations - May 2022

    Here is our top 20 list of popular radio stations for May 2022: 1. Classic Rock Florida HD 2. Smooth Jazz Florida WSJF-DB 3. Majestic Jukebox Radio #HIGH QUALITY SOUND 4. Dance UK Radio danceradiouk 5. Classic Hits Global HD 6. Dirty South Radio Online & Tv Network 7. PulseEDM...
  7. Support

    listed in directories but no sound?

    Hi DJSPARKS, We've had a look into the logs and is the URL that you are posting to us from your Icecast server. It might be worth raising this issue with Azuracast as their build of Icecast doesn't seem to have the listenurl reflect what it should be.
  8. Support

    Still waiting for a responce ?? :(

    Hi DJSPARKS, We've had a look into the logs and is the URL that you are posting to us from your Icecast server. It might be worth raising this issue with Azuracast as their build of Icecast doesn't seem to have the listenurl reflect what it should be.
  9. Support

    How do a change the " Genre" and other info, on my page?

    No problem. They have now been added for you and the website URL updated:
  10. Support

    How do a change the " Genre" and other info, on my page?

    Hi TGrooves, We are pleased to hear that you have this all up and running now. Unfortunately there is a bit of a bug with the genres in the latest version of Centovacast at the moment, this will be fixed in the next update though. So for now, please let me know what you would like the genres...
  11. Support

    PAYG allowance disappearing why?

    Hi Soul Rhythms, I think you are likely noticing this more as you have recently gone from a pay monthly bandwidth allowance to PAYG. The reason you have around 5 GB left after topping us is because you already had a negative bandwidth balance and this cleared that negative balance and the 5 GB...
  12. Support

    Auto Dj stream problem

    You're welcome.
  13. Support

    Auto Dj stream problem

    The stream URL is wrong in your code, you should be using this code below: <audio controls="true" preload="none"> <source src="" type="audio/mp3">Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio>
  14. Support

    Auto Dj stream problem

    Yes, that is due to the inconsistencies in the files bitrates etc when the files changeover. All of your files should be encoded as per your AutoDJ's configuration settings including your intro file.
  15. Support

    Auto Dj stream problem

    Hi Soul Rhythms Radio, Yes, this is a bitrate issue. Your intro file is encoded at 48kbps Mp3, in mono and with a samplerate of 24000 hz. This should be 320kbps Mp3, in stereo and with a samplerate of 44100 hz as per your AutoDJ settings. So you will need to remove that file, re-encode it as...
  16. Support

    Something is wrong with my server

    Your media player works for me on your webpage in Chrome, the audio however is just distorted white noise. I tuned into your stream via your control panel and it is the same there. So the only issue I can see here currently is with the live source that you have connected...
  17. Support

    Something is wrong with my server

    You're welcome. I'm pleased to hear that.
  18. Support

    Something is wrong with my server

    I've tested this with Google Chrome and also Mozilla Firefox and the stream works with both browsers for me.
  19. Support

    Something is wrong with my server

    I can see that you are now connected on the /live mount:
  20. Support

    Something is wrong with my server

    Hi VisionFM, Which live encoder software are you using? You should ensure that you are connecting on the mount point of /live and with some encoders you need to use the username of source instead of your server accounts username of 'vision'.