JAM Radio, the radio of the newest bands

From today sunday, more new blues / bluesrock, rock bands on the radio: VICTOR PROKOPOV, OCCASIONALLY HUMANS, DAVIDE PANNOZZO, SUGAR MAMA BUES, MANDARONES... Every day, only the newest.

Listen to ONLY THE NEWEST #rock #blues and #bluesrock music on JAM 66 #Radio #today and #march #weekend and #tunein to great #music.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in #realtime

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com
From Today friday and This weekend with more new blues / bluesrock, rock bands on the radio: JACK PIRTEA, KATRANE, TARRA LAYNE, BAKING JAZZ POWER, DARK ROOM NEGATIVE.. Every day, only the newest.

#Listen to ONLY THE NEWEST #rock #blues and #bluesrock music on JAM 66 #Radio #today and #April #week and #tunein to great #music.

Also #read the Latest #news on those genres and more info updated in #realtime

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com
JAM 66 Radio links, News, entertainment, comics at http://route66radio-intro.webpin.com
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From Today and This weekend with more new blues / bluesrock, rock bands on the radio: MODERATOR, LETNIY SNEG, OSCAR VAGO, OTTO FERROL, FUNKYJU, WINDTRYST FARM .. Every day, only the newest.

Listen to ONLY THE NEWEST rock, blues and bluesrock music on JAM 66 Radio today and April week and tunein to great music.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in #realtime.

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com
From Today and This weekend with more new blues / bluesrock, rock bands on the radio: ROSETTA WEST, FUNKYJU, DEEP SEA GYPSIES, INTROBELLA, LARISA AND THE RAINDOGGS .. Every day, only the newest.

Listen to ONLY THE NEWEST rock, blues and bluesrock music on JAM 66 Radio today and April weekend and tunein to great music.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in #realtime.

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

Read blues, rock, rockblues news and latest events and listen to the station at:
➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com

Read all kind of news, weekly music posts and listen to the station at:
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com
From Today and This week with more new blues / bluesrock, rock bands on the radio: MICHAEL BERGMANN, ADAM HOLLY AND THE VACATION TIME, AL RYDEN, OSCAR VAGO and many others.... .. Every day, only the newest.

Listen to ONLY THE NEWEST rock, blues and bluesrock music on JAM 66 Radio today and April weekend and tunein to great music.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in #realtime.

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

Read blues, rock, rockblues news and latest events and listen to the station at:
➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com

Read all kind of news, weekly music posts and listen to the station at:
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com
From Today and This week with more new blues / bluesrock, rock bands on the radio: RARE BREED, JOHANNES MARIA KNOLL, BARBARELLA AND THE BOOGIE BLUES, BLACK PEARL and many others.... .. Every day, only the newest.

Listen to THE NEWEST rock, blues and bluesrock music on JAM 66 Radio today and April weekend and tunein to great music.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in #realtime.

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

Read blues, rock, rockblues news and latest events and listen to the station at:
➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com

Read all kind of news, weekly music posts and listen to the station at:
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com

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Listen to rock blues and bluesrock music and the newest on JAM 66 Radio and tunein to great music.

Also #read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in realtime

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Live Stream ➡️ https://bit.ly/4dDB8YK

Download the app ➡️ https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

NEWS, ENTERTAINMENT AND MORE AT http://route66radio-intro.webpin.com


➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com
From Today Listen to new bands on the radio: MICHAEL ANERSON, TRAVITUDE, LYRIUM, AUKMASTER...

Listen to rock blues and bluesrock music and the newest on JAM 66 Radio today and #tunein to great #music.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in realtime

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Live Stream ➡️ https://bit.ly/4dDB8YK

Download the app ➡️ https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

NEWS, ENTERTAINMENT AND MORE AT http://route66radio-intro.webpin.com


➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com
From Today Listen to MICKY JOHN BULL, CATHERINE SCHOLZ and lots of new blues songs.

Listen to only the newest rock blues and bluesrock music on JAM 66 Radio and #tunein to great #music.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in real time

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️ https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

NEWS, ENTERTAINMENT AND MORE AT http://route66radio-intro.webpin.com


➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com
From Today Listen to RARE BREED, JAC DALTON, KOKO WEY, BURNING SPOON and lots of new blues songs and artists and bands.

Listen to only the newest rock blues and bluesrock music on JAM 66 Radio and tune in to great music.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in real time

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️ https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

NEWS, ENTERTAINMENT AND MORE AT http://route66radio-intro.webpin.com

Also listen at https://route66radio.es.tl


➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com
Read the weekly posts on every radio blog, this Sunday RJ Archer & the Painful Memories. Send your bio and career and links to be posted on the blog.

Listen to the newest rock blues and bluesrock music on JAM 66 Radio and tune in to great music.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in real time

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️ https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

NEWS, ENTERTAINMENT AND MORE AT http://route66radio-intro.webpin.com

Also listen at https://route66radio.es.tl


➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com
Listen to the newest rock blues and bluesrock music on JAM 66 Radio and tune in to great music. From today, FATE'S HOLLOW, THE MERCURY RIOTS, SONIC WHIP, KEITH SHAW.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in real time.

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️ https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

NEWS, ENTERTAINMENT AND MORE AT http://route66radio-intro.webpin.com

Also listen at https://route66radio.es.tl


➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com
From this week, new bands on the radio! HOMELESS RADIO, EVAN KARYDAKIS, ALBA and others!

Listen to the newest rock blues and bluesrock music on JAM 66 Radio and tune in to great music. From today, PETE FENSTRA and other blues bands.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in real time.

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️ https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

NEWS, ENTERTAINMENT AND MORE at https://route66radio.es.tl


➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com
From this week, new bands on the radio! HOMELESS RADIO, GULF STREAM RIDERS and others!

Listen to the newest rock blues and bluesrock music on JAM 66 Radio and tune in to great music.

Read about the groups we play on the radio on the radio blogs below.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in real time.

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️ https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

NEWS, ENTERTAINMENT AND MORE at https://route66radio.es.tl


➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com

Listen to the newest rock blues and bluesrock music on JAM 66 Radio and tune in to great music.

Read about the groups we play on the radio on the radio blogs below.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in real time.

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️ https://bit.ly/3TVY39U

NEWS, ENTERTAINMENT AND MORE at https://route66radio.es.tl


➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com
From this week on, new bands on the radio! ANTEYA, RJ ARCHER AND THE PAINFUL MEMORIES and others!

Listen to the newest rock blues and bluesrock music on JAM 66 Radio and tune in to great music.

Read about the groups we play on the radio on the radio blogs below.

Also read the Latest news on those genres and more info updated in real time.

Send your music for airplay to leradio@yahoo.com

Download the app ➡️ https://bit.ly/3TVY39U



➡️ http://fansjam66radio.blogspot.com
➡️ http://jam-radio.blogspot.com

IMPORTANT: If you have submitted your song/album for review and consideration, surely it will be played on the radio the coming days or weeks if you give us permission to do it and if it fits our music genres we broadcast: rock, blues and bluesrock.

Also! If you have a band and want promotion on our radio blogs, you can send us your bio and career, links to your sites and social media and a picture of the group to this email address. In some weeks or in some cases, in a month or more time, depending on the groups asking for the same, we will post an entry with your group's info on our blogs.

On your part, it is very appreciated if you can mention us on your facebook, twitter, instagram... accounts.

You can send us new songs/albums in the future for possible airplay.

If you want to receive the radio newsletter with all the weekly novelties and the updated news of the station, you can ask for it by writing to this email address, leradio@yahoo.com

If you want to ask us a specific question, you can send it to us and we will reply as soon as possible.

We thank you a lot for your interest in our station.

All the best!
JAM 66 Radio