I own a Radionomy station but for example your directory does not allow this type of stations. I am looking to include my station here and that would be done only if I have a different server address. I have a free shoutcast adress for live broadcast with the radio platform listen2myradio.com but that I don't use because all the broadcast is scheduled. Can you give me an advice to send the radionomy radio signal via a different server address if that is possible in order to be allowed on internet-radio.com and also with the goal of getting more listeners? That's impossible or how can that be done?
Thank you.
I own a Radionomy station but for example your directory does not allow this type of stations. I am looking to include my station here and that would be done only if I have a different server address. I have a free shoutcast adress for live broadcast with the radio platform listen2myradio.com but that I don't use because all the broadcast is scheduled. Can you give me an advice to send the radionomy radio signal via a different server address if that is possible in order to be allowed on internet-radio.com and also with the goal of getting more listeners? That's impossible or how can that be done?
Thank you.